stretching woman in workout gear in front of window old building cityscape behind

Creatively Disrupt Your Goals

If your goals and resolutions from 10 years ago keep showing up in newly revamped versions each year it’s time to disrupt your “I must better myself ” train of thought. Use this unconventional criterion to uplevel your goals.

What would your life look like if you chose a stretch goal based on unconventional thought?

Do you think it would open your life up to more creative pursuits?

Will it make you a better leader?

Would it cultivate your creativity?

It could even expand your sense of limits.

Possibly help you realize that you’re unlimited.

It might even give you confidence.

Boldy pursuing your wants.

Knowing that you can do things and fail, without anything horrible happening is a great tool to tuck into your back pocket for your future confidence when you need to pep talk yourself through something new.

Secret Goal Disruptor

Here’s one little secret thing that I do when planning all my lofty goals.

I ensure that one of the goals I set is based on the assumption that I will have poor results at what I attempt.

I’ll say that again

Always have one goal that you expect to fail

Knowing that you’ll be bad at it, simply allow you the joy of learning. the joy of expression, the joy of trying something new that’s totally outside of your comfort zone.

I pick one skill every year to learn and strive towards developing myself at it with the full expectation that I won’t be good at it, might embarrass myself over it, and that there’s a really good chance that I will actually suck at it.

But what I get from it is so much more experience than just sticking with growing skills I already know I have.

There’s the year I learned beatboxing. (I’m horrible)

Last year was all about keeping and nurturing houseplants. (I rock this)

I am still striving to learn to speak Spanish. (deséame suerte)

I mean conversational Spanish beyond the simple words used when traveling. I want to speak and feel the language, I want to laugh along to Telenovas, and maybe even cry to a Spanish novel. To have in-depth chats in Spanish with my friend Socary. Oh yes, there will be laughs in there too. laughs as I fail over and over to get the words right. That is the joy of it. It’s ok if I fail. I am not holding myself to lofty expectations.

To clarify though I still have a lot of tangible real-life goals, and I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with focussing on your health, what you eat, and how well you have your stuff together.

I’m suggesting that in order to add life and creativity to your life pick something totally out of character. Just one. All the rest can be normal.

When the caterpillar became a butterfly do you think it was based on a goal of crawling better?

If you keep doing the same old same old things, you will continue to create a similar environment.

What goal are you willing to plan to fail?

So stretch.
How about you?
What new things are you experiencing?
What are you itching to learn, even if you’ll be bad at it?
What’s uncool, possibly dorky, you’d be sure to be embarrassed to tell?
What creative ways do you stretch yourself?
What do you think you’re not good at?
What’s your disruptive goal?
Dare yourself to fail.
Discover you.

Plus an added bonus is that you’ll be enhancing your right brain. Helping you become a holographic thinker. Well, balanced, well challenged, and helping your creativity shine & flare.

I can’t wait to hear from you what this new thing you’re working on.

Happy failing,

Feature photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
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