Showing 4 Result(s)
Brightly coloured astronomical clock in Prague

5 Easy Ways For Saying Goodbye To Being Stressfully Late

Learn how to break the cycle of being chronically late and start enjoying a more relaxed, stress-free life with these simple tips. As a Professional Certified Coach, I’ve helped numerous clients overcome this issue and I’m here to share my insights with you. From building in buffer time and avoiding over-commitment to preparing the night before and using technology to your advantage, these tips can help you become more punctual and less stressed.

Time For Change Sign with led Light

Creating Change; Racism in Canada

I have the privilege and responsibility to end racism. The layers of responsibility are not always obvious, but I know that it has to go deeper and be better than an “If you see something, say something mentality”. Racism is alive in Canada and we have the power to end it.

stretching woman in workout gear in front of window old building cityscape behind

Creatively Disrupt Your Goals

The Secret to Disrupting Conventional Goals. If your goals and resolutions from 10 years ago keep showing up in newly revamped versions each year it’s time to disrupt your “I must better myself ” train of thought. Use this unconventional criterion to up level your goals.