Three little tips to finding harmony and Tao even on a Monday.
Be Centered
We’ve all heard that relaxation and meditation are good for your health – but it’s not always easy to find the time when you live in a go, go, go world.
Meditation is not about clearing your mind of thought, it’s about making and creating space for new thoughts and insights.
A simple meditation is box breathing. Box breathing is especially useful for analytical thinkers that worried about being too woo-woo. I am a huge advocate for using quick meditation techniques throughout your day, this practice has helped many of my clients.
How to box breathe
This involves 4 equal counts during 4 steps of breathing
- Inhale to the count of 4
- Hold your breath to the count of 4
- Exhale to the count of 4
- Hold your breath again to the count of 4.
- Rinse & repeat (return to step 1) Do steps 1-4 four times
Balanced Living
So many people think that balanced living means 50/50. Other people think that there’s no such thing as balanced living.
It does exist & it is possible.
Balanced living means being comfortable with the decisions you make about your work and your life.
Are you comfy with the fact that sometimes your work will take priority and sometimes your home life will take priority?
Do you help others get comfortable with this as well?
Ask yourself: How can I simplify my day and create smoothness?
Mondays are often very work focussed for people.
How can you create a smooth morning routine? I often use default decisions to suit it up.
How can you make your evening smooth? Some people prep Monday’s dinner on Sunday or grab takeout from their favourite restaurant.
Be Bonded To The Outcome
Take responsibility for the outcome of your day.
No one is responsible for your day except you.
Ask yourself:
How am I getting in my own way?
What energy am I bringing to my day?
What is my intention for today? Am I surviving or thriving in it?
You create your day
Remember, circumstances are not the driving force in your life. Your decisions are.
Wishing you an amazing Monday
Feature photo by Jopwell from Pexels
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