Showing 4 Result(s)
Photo of Smiling Woman in Orange V-neck Short-sleeved Dress Sitting Outside Store Holding Ice Cream While Looking Away

11 Ways You’ll Love To Celebrate Your Awesome Small Wins

Do you struggle to find reasons to celebrate your achievements, big or small? Are you caught up in the mindset of “I’ll be happy when”? It’s time to break free from that thinking and celebrate everything! In this post, we’ll explore the importance of celebrating your small wins and how it can add more life and vigor to your journey towards your goals. You’ll learn different ways to celebrate, from simple acts of self-care to indulgent treats, and how to incorporate them into your daily life. It’s time to start celebrating yourself and all that you have accomplished, no matter how small. Subscribe to my newsletter to get a free Celebrate You Workbook and start adding more joy to your journey today.

Time For Change Sign with led Light

Creating Change; Racism in Canada

I have the privilege and responsibility to end racism. The layers of responsibility are not always obvious, but I know that it has to go deeper and be better than an “If you see something, say something mentality”. Racism is alive in Canada and we have the power to end it.

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Consistency For The Win

Why small consistent action matters. You don’t need to throw yourself down on a sword to move forward. There’s no need to take action to exhaustion. Use consistency in the effort as the means to your goal.